Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Sociology Dq 5

Sociology Dq 5

Q To what extent has the material you have dealt with in sociology during this semester expand your knowledge on personal, local, national or international social issues? If you were asked to implement one policy to improve the lives of people in your own country and globally on any of these levels what would that be?

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I have had a chance to learn about a whole gamut of social issues during this semester. Issues ranging from gender inequality to crime and deviant behavior, have all been dealt with and I been effectively influenced about these issues. What I really have gained is a new perspective to view these issues. It seems like the materials of this course have provided me with something akin to spectacles and I am viewing the regular issues with a new angle. I also had the chance to increase the level of knowledge concerning a variety of topics through the learning materials.